Drains & Sprinklers

As a conscious home owner, it's important to think about water use. Our team will ensure you’ve got the most environmentally sustainable and effective way for watering.

  • French Drains
  • Sprinkler Installation
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Grading & leveling

Selected publications in the most recent years from my lab and myself.

Years: prior 2005-20142015-20212022-present

What's new?

  • Quan-Xing Liu,  et al  Self-organized patterned ground in periglacial environments , 2025. 
  • Cheng Li, Man-Ting Guo, Xiaoqing He, Quan-Xing Liu, Zhi Qi, Biomolecular condensates bridge experiment and theory of mass-conserving reaction-diffusion systems in phase separation, 2025, Under review. BioRxiv [Code@GitHub and Data@figshare] 
  • Wensi Hu, Lijuan Cui, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Ricard Solé, Sonia Kéfi, Miguel Berdugo, Nuo Xu, Bo Wang, Quan-Xing Liu, Chi Xu, Causes and consequences of disordered hyperuniformity in global drylands. Manuscript, 2025,  arXiv:2311.07624 [q-bio.PE].
  • Zheng Zhu, Bernard Hallet, Andras Sipos, Gabor Domokos, Quan-Xing Liu*, Hyperuniformity on Mars: Pebbles scattered on sand. Manuscript, 2025,  arXiv:2312.13818 [physics.geo-ph].
  • Loreta Cornacchia, Roeland C. van de Vijsel, Daphne van der Wal, Tom Ysebaert, Jianwei Sun, Bram van Prooijen, Paul Lodewijk Maria de Vet, Quan-Xing Liu, Johan van de Koppel, Vegetation traits and biogeomorphic complexity shape the resilience of salt marshes to sea-level riseCommunications Earth & Environment, 2024 (5):658
  • Renfei Chen, Suping Xiao, Chuancong Dong, Shubin Xie, Liang Zhang, Fan Wu, Chengyi Tu, Quan-Xing Liu, Shaopeng Wang, Ülo Niinemets, Alan Hastings, Karl J Niklas, Jianming Deng, Ontogenetic shifts in leaf biomass allocation in crop plantsNational Science Review,  2024 (11), nwae349. 

       In the newsScience Podcast; ECNU news

       科普介绍相分离理论: 连接物理学与宏观生命世界; Commentary by Pierre Couteron [PDF]; 集智俱乐部

  1. Bo Wang$, Kang Zhang$Quan-Xing Liu*, Qiang He, Johan van de Koppel, Shuqing N. Teng, Xinyu Miao, Maosong Liu, Mark Bertness, Chi Xu*, Long-distance facilitation of coastal ecosystem structure and resilience
    PNAS, 2022 (119), e2123274119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2123274119. [Code at GitHub

       In the newsScienceNet.cn; Research Highlight by Nature Ecology & Evolution

  • Hao Huang, Chi Xu, and Quan-Xing Liu* ,
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2022, 59(1):188-198. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14044  

  1. Bowen Li, Weiwenhui Liang, Quan-Xing Liu, Shijian Fu, Cuizhu Ma, Qiqing Chen, Lei Su, Nicholas J. Craig, and Huahong Shi* 
    Environ. Sci. Technol., 2021 (55):10471-10479. [PDF]. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c01753. 
    In the newsoceanbites;